Q & A of My Matsuyama Family (MMF)

 Q1: What is the difference between a home stay and MMF?

A home stay includes staying the night with the host family, but the MMF program is just a visit.
However, if both sides agree, it is okay to stay the night.


 Q2: I don't speak Japanese, is that a problem?

Many Japanese families register on some languages basis. We will try to match you, but we can no promise to find a family who speaks your language. This is also a great opportunity to try out your Japanese!


 Q3: Is MMF program finished in 4 months?  

This is a 4-months program, but if both sides agree to continue their exchange after your term ends, that is fine. In that case, make sure to interchange by each responsibility afterward, please.


 Q4: Can a foreigner have multi MMF or apply again?  

MMF program is based on one-to-one, but more than one foreignermaybe assigned to one MMF depending on the need. You can apply for this program only once.


 Q5: What should I do if I have a trouble?  

Please contact us as soon as possible if you have a trouble on MMF.
Please understand that borrowing money or asking the host family to be your guarantor is not allowed.


 Q6: How about the expense during exchange with MMF?  

MMF is on a volunteer basis. You will be expected to pay if you eat at a restaurant, and for transportation, admission fees and other expenses.


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